Ego is the Enemy
Oct 23, 2020
The best 10 points about the ego inspired in the book “Ego is the enemy” by Rayan Holiday

- Only when free of ego, can one perform
- Ego prevents us from getting what we want.
- Self-absorption, blocking (Ego → It’s all about me → irrational).
- Ego tell us we’re special but we need to say objective grounded to unreality.
2. Stop creating stories
- Delusion (fantasizing/ creating stories).
- “Be willing to know that you don't know.”
3. End addiction to approval seeking
- “Accept not everyone will like you.”
- Don't try to be always the main point in the conversation.
4. Always be a student
- Humbles the ego (self-assessment).
5. Don’t be passionate
- If we don't know hot to handle it it can harm our straight, lose more than winning.
- You cant see the obvious (You get blind).
6. Let the trauma seep in
- Embrace critics, endure it, ignore the noise.
7. Play the long game and serve others
- Life lessons, help to build relations, keep us grounded to reality.
8. Get out of your own head
- Stop living in the fiction and start living the reality.
9. Stop the pride and work
- Having an idea is not enough to cultivated
- Don’t lose your head.
- Accept negative feedback.
- Work for ambition not ego.
10. Balance is humility
- Honestly analyze ourselves.