Mock Interview to a Newbie
Hello readers!!✨👋🏼 I’m an intern in a software development company, and the last week I’ve been preparing for interviews and reading about it to get some knowledge about how it works in the real world and cool tips.

The mock interview that i had last week was focus on the front-end in general and, in the end, some basics of React. I list below the questions that i felt the least strong or i had more trouble answering.
- Preprocessor: It lets you generate CSS from the preprocessor’s own unique syntax. In other words, is CSS above more CSS. An example is Sass that is a stylesheet language that helps to share designs easily.
- How to center something horizontal and vertical: with this question, i didn’t K.I.S.S. (keep it simple s…), and i tried to find a bigger answer instead of going to the basics as using “Margin: Auto,” this lets me realized that i need to go back to some basics and not try to use more if i don’t need it.
- Web accessibility & Semantic web market: It mainly helps people with special needs. An example that helped me to understand this concept is when people can’t see the semantic part of the code reads it for them. That’s why we get into the part of CSS and have <head>, <body>,<footer> tags. It’s what allows the page to be readable by itself.
- Local Storage: Which lets you store data on your browser to use it later. I saw an example that is good to add it as a class in the .html file to use it with .js files. As easy as using “” (use =>)
- Falsy: Evaluate to false in conditionals. (0, 0n, null, undefined, false, NaN, and “”).
- Hoisting: JS characteristic. It doesn’t matter where i declare the variables hoisting takes them, and put them at the beginning of the code, then it runs.
- Clutch: It maintains a single scope without affecting or merging the general scope.
- Prototypes: A class is a prototype JS use the word “class” as an interpreter, but it’s all prototypes.
- Developing tools (Webpack): Webpack takes all the static files as modules (using import or required keywords.
React:(prioritize these concepts)
- React lifecycle methods: “You can override to run code at particular times in the process.” in this part, I didn’t relate the title to the actual concepts. I have read about componentDidMount(), render(), constructor(), but is still a concept i need to dig deeper.

- JSX: To communicate two components. “language template with full javascript power.”
- Hooks: Have you seen “useState”? well, that’s a hook. Everything that has the keyword use is a hook.
- Functional components: Plain JS function that returns jsx.
- Class components: Is a class that extends “React.Component” with a render method.
Tips: To summarize the blog, i want to let you know three tips for your next interview.
- Prepare yourself about what have you been learning, and don’t be shy to talk about it the most that you can. If you’re specific is much better.
- If you don’t understand a question, DON’T be shy and ask for a clarification or an example. It is better to do that than pretend you know or understand everything. Communication is a big key.
- If you don’t know an answer it’s okay to say “I don’t know”, “Honestly, i don’t know but i think it makes reference to this”, no one knows everything and this can help your interviewer to give a different path to the interview or to know in which team you can do a better match.
I hope this can be helpful for you, good luck out there 😉